
My last blog was all about how trees talk to each other, cooperating, sharing nutrients, even warning of danger. Mother trees in particular play a significant part in the life of the forest, reaching out and caring for its younger neighbours. Just now I came across this short reflection by John Birch which I share... Continue Reading →

Making Friends on the Street

When Millie takes me on our daily expeditions we never quite know who we're going to meet. On my own I'd be a sad old man to be avoided but accompanying a dog gives you an opening into people's lives. I might stop and chat with Frank who likes to sit outside of an evening... Continue Reading →

Trees Clapping Hands

Even at my great age, or perhaps because of it I'm still on a pretty steep learning curve, learning things I never imagined could be so. Some years ago Prince Charles revealed that he regularly talks to the trees under his care, Much derided at the time, he was looked on indulgently as an eccentric... Continue Reading →

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